From the basement to the world
Smack was founded by mechanical engineer Joachim Noack in Berlin in 1980.
Smesny, his friend, then solo timpanist at Deutsche Oper Berlin (German Opera Berlin) and lecturer at UdK Berlin (University of Arts Berlin), was looking for individually crafted drumsticks. “You’re wood turning, couldn’t you …” was the catalyst. A close collaboration developed in which the professional demands of drum sticks by Dieter Smesny and his drumming collegues were key. In the beginning all manufactured sticks were tested and examined by Mr Smesny. By word-of-mouth recommendation Sack drum sticks found their way to the entire world.
In January 2020 Joachim Noack handed over his business into the hands of his daughter Ingrid Noack-Kirschner, who is an organ builder in the Netherlands and East Friesland. After a thorough instruction she is now taking up the production.
How is a pair of smack-sticks created?
In the beginning there is the drummer’s wish for a personal pair of drumsticks. Personal in weight of the pair, thickness, length of the sticks, weight distribution within the stick and shape of the head. Especially the kind of wood is important for the vibration behaviour of the sticks.
Usually a musician spots one of our drumstick pairs at one of his or her collegues and tries them. With the sticks’ individual number he or she gets in touch with us. Often the tried pair is requested, but wishes for a different length, weight or thickness are common, too.
After this request we check at the heart of our business – the database – for the precise parameters of this pair. For each pair the key data is recorded: kind of wood, diameter, gross weight, completed weight, total length, length of even part, diameter in front of head, diameter of head, length of head, shape of head.
But: wood is a natural material. Even if the blanks of a pair grew side by side, they can differ in weight, colour, sound and other features, aside from the individual craftsmanship.
That is why choosing the blanks is of essential significance. They get prepared to a standard measure, stored and matched by weight and consonance.
Since the drum sticks have to be rather heavy, we usually work with tropical wood. Not all kinds of wood are always available, which is why alternatives have to be used sometimes.
Then, for a new pair the weight of the blanks is verified by the databse. Afterwards the pair is individually turned at the woodworking lathe. In the end, the difference in weight of the two sticks is checked and may not be more than 1 gram. When the pair is ready, the business logo gets burned in and the the number gets stamped. For the finishing touch the pair gets oiled and polished twice.
Individual profession- individual service
Since perfectly equal pairs are impossible, we deliver more pairs than ordered, so the customer can give them a try. Only the percussionist can feel him- or herself, if the tool fits. If you would like to keep all pairs you are welcome to do so, otherwise we request the return of the not desired pairs within two weeks. After this respite time, you will receive the bill.
We are no percussionists ourselves and are keen for any feedback!
Let’s talk
Do you have questions regarding our drumsticks?
Give us a call, visit us or send a report.
Workshop address: Hauptstraße 24, 26826 Weener | Telephone: +49 15203936903 | E-mail: ingrid@smack-sticks.de
Would you like to try Smack-Sticks? Gladly!
During the years some pairs have especially proven themselves. Here is a small selection to give them a try.
Nr. 1645
Kind of wood: Jatoba
Diameter: 16
Weight: 62 g
Total length: 380
Length of even part: 260
Diameter head: 8
Shape of head: Ball
Nr. 1751
Kind of wood: Jatoba
Diameter: 16
Weight: 66 g
Total length: 390
Length of even part: 300
Diameter head: 10
Shape of head: Ball
Nr. 2022
Kind of wood: Jatoba
Diameter: 16
Weight: 86 g
Total length: 400
Length of even part: 310
Diameter head: 8
Shape of head: Ball
Price per piece 114€ incl. VAT and shipping